Archive for the ‘photos’ Category

Snow in Chicago


It’s only October 12, and winter has begun in Chicago. This was the view from my deck this morning. No, those aren’t pretty white flowers. It’s snow. Time for a hot cup of tea. Incidentally, the odds of this happening are pretty slim. “In 136 years of Chicago weather records, temperatures have failed to climb […]

From Flickr – Pure Decadence Originally uploaded by The Simple Leaf. My favorite white tea ever. This hand-crafted Darjeeling white tea has beautiful wiry leaves that still retain their original shape. Minimally processed, this is a truly decadent treat for special occasions. Smooth and refreshing and rich in antioxidants. More details about Pure Decadence.

Cuppa tea Originally uploaded by osiris. From Flickr – thanks osiris!

Assam Broken Pekoe Souchong Originally uploaded by The Simple Leaf. One of my favorite teas from Assam. We call this one Mountain Malt. It’s from the Gingia tea estate. Classic malty breakfast tea – enjoy with milk and sugar. The “Souchong” in the name indicates a bold and round leaf. Souchong is just a grade […]