Archive for the ‘research’ Category



This just in from the BBC. Drinking green tea could help in the fight against HIV, research suggests.

Milky Chai Bad


According to a small German study, adding milk to your tea can destroy it’s health benefits. Michelle Rabin from T Ching concurs: Isn’t this enough information to convince people that if they want tea to be a health beverage, it is necessary to eliminate milk? For me, it is. Period…..end of story. For the milky […]

According to the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it is. Here’s an article from the BBC.

By now you have probably heard about polyphenols, if not from your doctor, then undoubtedly on TV. Polyphenols are a group of chemical substances found in plants. They’re called “poly”-phenols because they have more than one phenol group per molecule. A phenol is any chemical compound which contains a six-membered aromatic ring, bonded directly to […]

A follow up to my previous post about Green Tea and it’s health benefits. (Dr. Lee even commented on that post!) Dr. Lee is still fighting the good fight.