Archive for June, 2007

And the winning entry for the Tea Association of the USA’s Calm-a-Sutra contest is:

A dose of (Indian) YouTube humor. Enjoy! It really gets going after about a minute and a half. Make sure you check out the credits too – a little Enrique….desi style. In other news, authorities in India are trying to figure out what to do with some wayward rats. Never a dull moment.

The Funeral


A good friend of mine from Bombay told me about a funeral he attended a couple of days ago. A funeral — except no one died. It was a mock funeral for a tree, complete with Hindu rites and rituals, the obligatory mourners, flowers and lookers-on. Oh, and liberal amounts of red paint for dramatic […]

If ever I could claim bragging rights about someone, my uncle, Amitav Ghosh, would be that person. In addition to a long line of accolades, recognition and awards, he was recently given the Padma Shree by the Indian government. The French have their Légion d’honneur — we have our Padma Shree. Oh, and he was […]

Some people were asking, so I thought I’d make it official. She’s here! And in case you were wondering, we did offset the carbon emissions from her long flight over.