Archive for September, 2007

So you finally get yourself out of bed after hitting the snooze button for the seventeenth time (it would have been eighteen, had your spouse not kicked you in the shin). Then, assuming you haven’t stopped to check your email en-route*, you head straight to the kitchen to ruffle through your tea collection. It’s time […]

In light of all the news coming in from Myanmar, I thought it apt to share this piece, written by imprisoned Nobel laureate and pro-democracy leader, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, way back in 1996. Letter from Burma (No. 21) by Aung San Suu Kyi Mainichi Daily News, Sunday, April 14, 1996 Tea plays a […]

[Note: The image above is not a link. Links to videos on MSN video are provided below] We were told a while back that green tea was good for us. Well, is it? NBC’s news divisions attempt to investigate the rising popularity of green tea in the United States. 1. First up, NBC Chief Science […]

I wrote about Joey’s awesome Sorapot concept back in January. Well, good things happen to good people for good reason. The Sorapot was just featured in Forbes. Congratulations Joey! Here’s to a bright future for Sorapot (and for the all the other undoubtedly beautiful concepts floating around in your brain just waiting to spill out). […]