Archive for the ‘teaware’ Category

I wrote about Joey’s awesome Sorapot concept back in January. Well, good things happen to good people for good reason. The Sorapot was just featured in Forbes. Congratulations Joey! Here’s to a bright future for Sorapot (and for the all the other undoubtedly beautiful concepts floating around in your brain just waiting to spill out). […]

If you find yourself in the vicinity of Smith College in Northampton, MA between now and May 27, a new exhibit at their Museum of Art looks rather interesting. Fashioning Tradition: Japanese Tea Wares from the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries features objects associated with the tea ceremony, which has become a metaphor for Japanese culture […]

“Sorapot is a modern teapot designed to brew heat-sensitive green and white teas. The stainless steel arch acts as a large heatsink that quickly dissipates the water’s heat as the tea steeps, preventing the bitterness that comes from oversteeping in too-hot water. The tea is poured at a comfortably warm drinking temperature after a few […]

We’d like to introduce our elegant new line of simple, yet superbly functional teaware from the award-winning design team at Bodum AG. So whether you feel like making cold infused iced tea or a nice relaxing cup of Darjeeling, these elegant tea presses, infusers and more are guaranteed to please. After all, making tea is […]