Archive for the ‘teapot’ Category

I wrote about Joey’s awesome Sorapot concept back in January. Well, good things happen to good people for good reason. The Sorapot was just featured in Forbes. Congratulations Joey! Here’s to a bright future for Sorapot (and for the all the other undoubtedly beautiful concepts floating around in your brain just waiting to spill out). […]

For those moments when you feel an uncontrollable urge to irrigate your nose. Well, it’s not really a teapot, but you could probably fashion a small teapot to be just as effective. On a serious note, I’ve seen this in action in India – with much more primitive, non-branded equipment – and practitioners say it […]

If you find yourself in the vicinity of Smith College in Northampton, MA between now and May 27, a new exhibit at their Museum of Art looks rather interesting. Fashioning Tradition: Japanese Tea Wares from the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries features objects associated with the tea ceremony, which has become a metaphor for Japanese culture […]

“Sorapot is a modern teapot designed to brew heat-sensitive green and white teas. The stainless steel arch acts as a large heatsink that quickly dissipates the water’s heat as the tea steeps, preventing the bitterness that comes from oversteeping in too-hot water. The tea is poured at a comfortably warm drinking temperature after a few […]

Although tea originated in China, the teapot as we know it (you know…the one with that characteristic spout that gave rise to “I’m a little teapot, short and stout”) was developed in Europe during the mid 1600’s. At the time, Europe lacked the porcelain technology to produce a quality teapot, so the British East India […]