Archive for the ‘design’ Category

I wrote about Joey’s awesome Sorapot concept back in January. Well, good things happen to good people for good reason. The Sorapot was just featured in Forbes. Congratulations Joey! Here’s to a bright future for Sorapot (and for the all the other undoubtedly beautiful concepts floating around in your brain just waiting to spill out). […]

UK design outfit Suck has created color coded tea and coffee mugs that: help you mix your favourite brew to just-how-you-like-it by matching the colour guide on the inside. [link] An interesting concept for sure. If you like milk in your tea that is. [via]

“Sorapot is a modern teapot designed to brew heat-sensitive green and white teas. The stainless steel arch acts as a large heatsink that quickly dissipates the water’s heat as the tea steeps, preventing the bitterness that comes from oversteeping in too-hot water. The tea is poured at a comfortably warm drinking temperature after a few […]