Archive for the ‘coffee’ Category

So you finally get yourself out of bed after hitting the snooze button for the seventeenth time (it would have been eighteen, had your spouse not kicked you in the shin). Then, assuming you haven’t stopped to check your email en-route*, you head straight to the kitchen to ruffle through your tea collection. It’s time […]

UK design outfit Suck has created color coded tea and coffee mugs that: help you mix your favourite brew to just-how-you-like-it by matching the colour guide on the inside. [link] An interesting concept for sure. If you like milk in your tea that is. [via]

How about this brilliant comment in response to this post about why people like Starbucks. I agree with you about the “frappa-mocha-halfa-caffa-crappa.” People like trying to be unique though, and complicated lingo is one way to do that. Personally, I prefer my coffee with a splash of milk and sans-jargon. Nicely stated, Evan. We can […]

Coffee Art


How cool is this? Make sure you check out the stop/action and the movie. Anyone done anything similar for tea? I know about these remarkable women in South Africa, but is anyone painting using tea? Photo unceremoniously ripped from Before you succumb to your urge to sue me for copyright infringement, please let me […]