Archive for the ‘chai’ Category

A dose of (Indian) YouTube humor. Enjoy! It really gets going after about a minute and a half. Make sure you check out the credits too – a little Enrique….desi style. In other news, authorities in India are trying to figure out what to do with some wayward rats. Never a dull moment.

Roswitha Joshi writes about Darjeeling’s attempts to revive it’s image. Under the brand name ‘Chai Country’ they want to uplift the entire region and have, to this end, tied up with like-minded entrepreneurs who have made it their mission to buy up and put into shape run-down tea plantations and factories. Tourism, entrepreneurship, innovation. A […]



A year after India’s independence, Time magazine reported: …for instance, in Hyderabad railway stations, there are separate refreshment rooms labeled “Moslem Tea Room” and “Hindu Tea Room. In Hyderabad imported food supplies have dwindled and the price of potatoes has soared to $1 a pound. The airline that connected Hyderabad with Indian cities is suspended. […]

Milky Chai Bad


According to a small German study, adding milk to your tea can destroy it’s health benefits. Michelle Rabin from T Ching concurs: Isn’t this enough information to convince people that if they want tea to be a health beverage, it is necessary to eliminate milk? For me, it is. Period…..end of story. For the milky […]

Piyo More Chai


That’s the slogan of the Indian Tea Association’s (ITA) drive to increase tea consumption in India. Translated, it means “Drink More Tea”. The campaign focuses on the health benefits of tea, something the ITA claims that most Indian consumers lack awareness of. Now, you may be wondering why India needs to increase tea consumption. After […]