Archive for the ‘video’ Category

How Far?


Here’s an interesting video by Molly Schwartz and Donna Schaper that shows you how far your food typically travels before it reaches you. [via: The Ethicurean, Grist Mill and the original article on The Nation] Now, we can’t really claim to be one of the good guys (although we shop at our local farmer’s market […]

And the winning entry for the Tea Association of the USA’s Calm-a-Sutra contest is:

A dose of (Indian) YouTube humor. Enjoy! It really gets going after about a minute and a half. Make sure you check out the credits too – a little Enrique….desi style. In other news, authorities in India are trying to figure out what to do with some wayward rats. Never a dull moment.

For those moments when you feel an uncontrollable urge to irrigate your nose. Well, it’s not really a teapot, but you could probably fashion a small teapot to be just as effective. On a serious note, I’ve seen this in action in India – with much more primitive, non-branded equipment – and practitioners say it […]



Incidentally, if you haven’t already, check out our new sidebar (scroll down and it’s on your right). Here’s what’s new: A Cloud of Thoughts: All our posts are files into categories (or tags). The tag cloud is a visual representation of all the topics we write about. Click a tag, and you’ll see a related […]